Crossing and Road Maintenance Works

Crossing and Road Maintenance Works

Client: Ministry of Provincial Development & Disaster Management

Project Name: Crossing and Road Maintenance Works

General Description of Project:

The scope of work as follows:
– Remove all concrete beams offsite.

– Excavate area to required depth size.

– Backfill and compact the area with boulders and base course.

– Construct the concrete floor 200mm thick using D12 reinforcement bars @ 200mm centres.

– Lay 3 rows of 1200mm diameter culverts x 2 set to form the width of 4880mm.

– Construct 200mm thick concrete headwall to a height of 200mm above the existing road

– Install rock lining as required.

– Carry out backfill using Gap 65mm.

– Clear drains on both sides towards the road and pavement re-sheeting for 100m road