Client Name: Fiji Airports
Project Name: Bio-Security Incinerator Building Upgrade (AFL/BSINCIN/REFURB/C/2018) Phase 1 & 2- Incinerator Foundation & General Refurbishment Works.
The project covered the following works:
- General painting including the specific paint treatment to the existing structural steel members.
- Footing upgrade for perimeter wall
- Installation of new cyclone shutters and bird proofing
- Construction of new ground anchor foundation for incinerator stack
- Supply and installation of new structural supports & anchor members for new incinerator stack
- Rectification of ground floor slab with new concrete topping and extension of electrical conduit in slab.
- New floor drainage with installation of new floor pits and waste traps
- Removal of existing, supply & installation of new roof at the required section including purlins, mesh, sisalation, ridge capping etc. as required to complete the works such that they are water weather tight.
- Supply and installation of new fire/heat resistant ceiling to underside of existing purlins
- New storm water gutters and upgrade of storm water drainage system
- Refurbishment of exiting stairs
- General refurbishment of toilet/shower (wet area)
- General refurbishment of staff room including new kitchen joineries
- General refurbishment of MCC office
- Supply and installation of new water tank with pump
- Compliance with Airside operational requirements of the Airport including security and access constraints as per the Airside Operational Manual